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Our Vision


  • Each of the core components of Redeemer Church's vision statement can only be accomplished by God's supernatural work, through the transcending work of the Gospel in all areas of the Christian life and the practices of fellow believers within the Church.

Mosaic Community

  • Redeemer Church desires to be a mosaic community of believers that are committed to doing life together. Mosaic community is the idea of people living in harmony together who come from many different walks of life. We feel that, regardless of social status, economical status, ethnicity, age, or gender, that believers should feel welcome to worship and serve alongside one another. The Gospel itself is the only common bond that can make this possible.

Theological Robust

  • Redeemer Church desires to be theologically sound and robust. The term theology often scares individuals, but this should not be the case because it merely means the study of God. We desire to understand Him better so that we are lead to ultimately know, worship, and serve Him. With this being the case, being theologically sound and robust is something that we want to be evident in our preaching and teaching and the songs we select for our worship services.


  • Redeemer Church desires to make disciples who will commit to continue making disciples locally, regionally, and internationally. We believe that one of the primary ways that one is discipled is through the weekly worship service. Outside of this, it is essential to understand that every individual’s process is different. Since this is the case, instead of a “one-size fits all’ approach to disciple-making, we are committed to helping each member in their discipleship process in the most impactful way for them personally.

Gospel Rest

  • We at Redeemer Church understand that life is not always easy and often can be overwhelming. This means that when life is hard, we ultimately rest in God’s sovereignty and that even when we do not understand how or why things happen the way they do, that they are for God’s glory and our good. Along with this reality, every individual’s struggle against sin is an ongoing process. Thus as we war against our sinful nature, we seek rest in the finished work of God through what Christ did on the cross.

Church Planting

  • As we at Redeemer Church grow and progress as a church our desire will be to be involved in planting in three ways. First, it is to identify, equip, and send out church planters to plant churches domestically and internationally (2 Timothy 2:2). Second, to support other churches or church planters directly through prayer, mission efforts, or financially. Third, we will support church planting by providing financial support to the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). This enables Redeemer Church to support church planting efforts in Mississippi, throughout North America and to the ends of the earth. The desire to fulfill this effort is due to the biblical conclusion that sharing the Gospel and making disciples results in the need for strong, biblical churches (Matthew 28:18-20).